Posts in "Aziz Isa Elkun"


Aziz İsa Elkün
Translated by Sultankiz

Bu şiir, 2018 yılında suçsuz yere Çin’in soykırım kamplarında gözaltına alınan Çimengül Avut adına yazılmış ve ithaf edilmiştir.

Kaşgar’daki Çimenkuş…
Temmuz senden soğumadı,
Ahunluk’ta* ötüp dururdun dün
O yerden izin daha kurumadı.

Şunun için diyorum
Senin sonbaharda solduğun yalan,
Senin hapise girdiğin yalan!

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The Spring of my life

Aziz Isa Elkun

When the morning star smiled with happiness,
When my spring bloomed from my fifties,
When this life passes and love is never enough,
The world is beautiful to us, truly beautiful!

If not a lover, the nightingale won’t alight on the flowering branch,
Until a young man grows, he won’t achieve his desires,
If he is a man, he will never break his promise.
A man must struggle hard to reach his destination.

My star shines like a torch in the dark night,
The full moon has become my companion shadow
When will my Sun come out with fiery warmth,
Your life will pass by if you don’t grasp it.

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Uighurs in China: ‘I didn’t even know if my mum was alive’

BBC London 18 Feb 2020

Aziz Isa Elkun is one of many Uighur Muslims living in London who have been cut off from contacting their families based in Xinjiang. 

Since 2016, China has detained more than one million Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang in what they call “educational centres”.

However, documents seen by the BBC show that these camps use violence and torture to drive Uighurs away from their Islamic beliefs. 

Aziz has several family members in the camps. He wants to be a voice for the Uighur community in the UK and is now calling on the UK Foreign Office to help them find out if their families are alive.

Reporter and producer: Gem O’Reilly; Filmed and edited by Cristian Mantio

Source: BBC London
Published on Elkun website, link: